
Revolutionary Design

A Cost Effective Drainage Solution

Hydrowick is the solution to eliminate perched and pooled water on top of playing surfaces. Address golf courses, playing fields and developments with a proven solution.

Use Hydrowick to avoid massive trenching scars and long healing/recovery times. Within hours after heavy rain, your turf will be back in playable condition for both walking and driving.

Maximize your playing season with minimal cost and ensure your turf is playable for longer periods of time with Hydrowick's ultra-absorbing capabilities. Don't let the rain stop you from playing!

Key Product Features

Heat treated fiberglass element with excellent wicking and capillary action when water is perched around it. This provides constant 24 hour drainage when excess moisture is present in the ground.

  • Internal stainless steel mesh that carries water away quickly without the gravity fall needed in traditional piping drainage systems. Extremely effective on golf course greens, tee decks and fairways.

  • Cost-effective and high-quality ensuring long-term results for years to come.

  • With our patented installation process we can ensure minimum downtime and a quick recovery

**5000 sq/ft green can be back in play within 24 hours

Let’s Get Technical

When installed underground, Hydrowick is backfilled with a sand curtain allowing for surface water to efficiently drain without typical issues found in conventional drainage systems. Never worry about sentiment impeding drainage or damaging systems.

Hydrowick maintains 18-20% moisture in the element which maintains healthy grass and minimizes surface scarring.

The 1 inch diameter element has proven to increase drainage of push-up greens by over 50% when compared to conventional drainage systems.

All surfaces can be played within 24 hours of Hydrowick being installed. This allows for courses and playing fields to be open longer and in-turn serve more guests.

The size of the pores of the Hydrowick element and its unique installation technique ensures that no ground composition/silting will impede drainage capabilities.

How Hydrowick is changing the world of drainage

Improve Turf Quality

Improve Aesthetics

Reduce Damage Potential

Reduce Labour and Maintenance

Minimize Downtime

Maximize Playtime