Create optimal riding conditions

CapillaryFlow’s solutions enable optimal riding conditions in any weather by providing a ground material technology  offering superior drainage capacity and enabling use of subsurface moisture control - for the optimal footing


Build outstanding equestrian arenas ​
for top-level sport​, with your footing of choice

Arenas built using CapillaryFlow solutions are much lower in maintenance, providing the best footing for horses

whether it is sand or grass, all year round. 

Sand Arenas

Build reliable sand arenas without standing water, dust or additives

Arenas with our ground system has significantly lower maintenance

CapillaryFlow solutions are the next generation technique in the construction and maintenance of equestrian arenas

85% less water consumption

No leakage of fertilizers and pesticides

Adjustable sand footing

With sub-surface moisture control, one can do away with sand additives like fibers and synthetics making it possible to change swiftly between discipline criteria and ensure optimal footing conditions all the time.


Sand is washable for consistent quality

Grass Arenas

Healthy strong grass for a lush riding experience year-round


Superior surface mechanical behaviour

Grass and sand arenas with optimal horse-hoof-surface interaction reduce injury risk and deliver a superior performance

Impact firmness


Consistency over time

50 % less fertilizers and pesticides



48 % less maintenance

The Capillary Material ensures a level foundation

The durability of the Capillary Material ensures the groundwork of equestrian arenas doesn’t deteriorate over time. The porosity of the Capillary Material lets fluids sift through but particles won’t migrate into subsequent layers, or eventually into the drainage and irrigation systems at all.

Have pristine sands and lush grass in any weather condition

Capillary Hydroponics grass arenas

The Capillary Hydroponics system grows healthy grass with deeper roots in sand, giving horses and riders just the right cushioning, impact firmness, responsiveness and grip for a safer, more comfortable experience.

Total drainage control

The proprietary Capillary Material allows grass to be grown in sand instead of an open medium, making drainage capabilities significantly superior when compared to soil grown grass. This also means, there's no sitting water or slush to deal with even after the heaviest precipitation.


Capillary Hydroponics

