Profile Porous Ceramic (PPC) Greens Grade soil amendment permanently improves sand-based root zones.
Profile® Greens Grade™ is an inorganic soil amendment proven on thousands of greens across the country to resist compaction, eliminate localized dry spot, promote drainage and facilitate healthy root systems that leave turf less prone to disease and other maintenance problems. A kiln-fired porous ceramic from a unique mineral deposit in Mississippi, PPC replaces peat in any sand-based root zone.
A PPC particle is 74% pore space with 39% capillary (water) pores and 35% non-capillary (air) pores. Blended with sand in a greens mix, Profile Porous Ceramics improve water- and nutrient-holding capabilities, increase oxygen levels at the root zone, and facilitate drainage when soils are saturated. The particles also hold water and release it as needed to the plant, delaying the need for irrigation. The Greens Grade particle is ideal for sand-based construction and is available in two distinct colors–Natural for use in construction, and Emerald to topdress and disguise worn areas in turf.
PPC Greens Grade meets the specifications outlined in the USGA’s Recommendations for a Method of Putting Green Construction and has been tested at major universities across the country.
Profile Golf's portfolio of projects truly spans the globe. Take a look at some of the premier opportunities that we have participated in with our engineered PPC rootzone blends.
PPC is a flexible soil amendment that can be incorporated into engineered rootzone blends during construction and also applied during routine cultivation practices. Learn more about PPC's performance in this video.